ARM Cortex-M4 Development Study Notes


This website contains my study notes for developing embedded systems on ARM Cortex-M4. The structure of the notes loosely follows the Udemy course "Embedded Systems Programming on ARM Cortex-M3/M4 Processor" by Kiran Nayak with FastBit Embedded Brain Academy. I've supplemented the course material with my own notes and made significant changes to some of the code.

Table of Contents

Section Title
1 Introduction
2 Hello World
3 Access Levels and Operation Modes
4 Writing Inline Assembly
5 Reset Sequence
6 Access Levels and T bit
7 Memory Map and Bus Interfaces
8 Stack
9 Exception Model
10 Interrupt Priority and Configuration
11 Exception Entry and Exit
12 Fault Handling and Analysis
13 Exceptions for System-Level Services
14 Project: Making a Task Scheduler
15 Bare-Metal Embedded Software Development