9. I/O Pin Specifications

1. V_dd and V_ss

  1. V_dd (Positive Supply Voltage): In the context of STM32 microcontrollers, V_dd is the positive supply voltage that powers the internal circuits of the MCU. This voltage is crucial for the operation of the transistors inside the MCU, which are predominantly MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors). The V_dd value determines the high logic level and directly influences the overall power consumption, as well as the speed of digital switching. It is closely tied to the CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) technology used in these MCUs, where the supply voltage impacts the threshold voltages of the NMOS and PMOS transistors.

    The typical range for V_dd in STM32 microcontrollers is usually between 1.8V and 3.6V, but this can vary depending on the specific family and model. For instance, some low-power models might operate at lower voltages to conserve energy, while high-performance models might require higher voltages for faster operation. It's essential to adhere to the specified V_dd range to ensure proper functionality and avoid damage to the MCU.

  2. V_ss (Ground or Negative Supply Voltage): V_ss in STM32 MCUs represents the ground or zero voltage reference point. It's the return path for current and serves as the reference against which other voltages are measured. In CMOS technology, having a stable V_ss is crucial for maintaining the integrity of logic levels and the proper functioning of the transistors. Fluctuations or noise in the V_ss can lead to erroneous operation of the MCU, as it would affect the gate-source voltage (V_GS) of the MOSFETs, potentially causing logic errors.

    Typically, V_ss is at 0 volts. However, in some systems, particularly in analog circuitry or in systems with multiple ground levels, V_ss might not be the lowest potential in the system. In such cases, it's essential to ensure that V_ss is correctly referenced to avoid ground loops or potential differences that could impair the MCU's operation.

2. Absolute Maximum Ratings vs. General Operating Conditions

When you're reading the "Electrical Characteristics" section of the datasheet of STM32 microcontrollers, you'll come across two key sections: "Absolute Maximum Ratings" and "General Operating Conditions." Understanding the differences between these two is crucial for both the safe operation and longevity of your microcontroller.

  1. Absolute Maximum Ratings:

    • This section outlines the maximum stress conditions that the microcontroller can withstand without suffering permanent damage. These ratings include maximum voltages for power supply (V_dd) and input/output pins, maximum current ratings, temperature ranges, and more.
    • It's important to note that these are not the conditions under which the microcontroller should be operated regularly. Exceeding these limits, even momentarily, can cause irreversible damage to the microcontroller or significantly shorten its lifespan.
    • Absolute Maximum Ratings are set based on the physical and material limits of the microcontroller's components. They take into account factors like breakdown voltages of transistors, thermal limits, and maximum current capacities.
  2. General Operating Conditions:

    • These represent the recommended and safe operational parameters for normal function. Operating within these limits ensures that the microcontroller will work as specified without risk of damage or reduced lifespan.
    • This section typically includes the recommended operating voltage range, temperature range, clock frequencies, and other conditions that are considered safe and optimal for regular use.
    • Operating the STM32 outside of these conditions might not immediately damage the microcontroller, but it can lead to unreliable behavior, increased error rates, or sub-optimal performance.

In summary, the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" are the do-not-exceed limits to avoid damage, while the "General Operating Conditions" are the recommended parameters for regular operation. Always design your system to operate within the General Operating Conditions, and be aware of the Absolute Maximum Ratings to avoid accidental damage.

3. Voltage Tolerance

In the context of STM32 microcontrollers, terms like "3-volt tolerant," "5-volt tolerant," and "3-volt tolerant directly connected to ADC (TTa)" refer to the voltage levels that the I/O pins of the microcontroller can safely handle. Understanding these specifications is crucial for interfacing the microcontroller with other components in your system.

  1. 3-Volt Tolerant (TT):

    • This indicates that the I/O pins can tolerate a maximum voltage of 3 volts. It's important to note that this is aligned with the typical operating voltage of many STM32 microcontrollers, which often work at 3.3 volts.
    • When a pin is labeled as 3-volt tolerant, it means you should not apply a voltage higher than 3 volts to these pins, as doing so can damage the microcontroller.
  2. 5-Volt Tolerant (FT):

    • These I/O pins can safely tolerate up to 5 volts, even if the microcontroller's operating voltage is lower (like 3.3 volts). This feature is particularly useful when interfacing with components that operate at 5V logic levels.
    • It's important to understand that while these pins can tolerate 5V inputs, they will still output signals at the microcontroller's operating voltage (e.g., 3.3V).
  3. This tolerance is typically achieved through design features in the MCU's input stage, like using transistors that can handle higher voltages or integrating protective clamping diodes.

  4. 3-Volt Tolerant Directly Connected to ADC (TTa):

    • This specification is often found in the context of analog-to-digital converter (ADC) pins. It means that these pins, while being part of the ADC, can tolerate up to 3 volts.
    • These pins are specially designed to interface with analog signals up to 3 volts and are directly connected to the ADC for analog-to-digital conversion.

When designing circuits with STM32 microcontrollers, it's crucial to respect these voltage tolerances to prevent damage to the MCU and ensure reliable operation. Always refer to the specific datasheet of your STM32 model (e.g., "STM32F446xx pin and ball descriptions" table in the STM32F446xx datasheet) for detailed information on the voltage tolerance of each pin.


See the "I/O Structure" row in this table, most of the pins are 5V tolerant.

4. Current Characteristics

The current characteristics of STM32 microcontrollers, such as I/O source and sink currents, and injected current (I_INJ), are crucial parameters for designing reliable and safe circuits. Let's delve into these characteristics:

  1. I/O Source and Sink Currents:

    • Source Current: This is the current that an I/O pin can provide to an external circuit. When the pin is in a high state (outputting a logic high), it sources current to the load connected to it. The source current capability depends on the specific STM32 model and its I/O structure. Exceeding this limit can result in voltage drops and potential damage to the I/O pin.
    • Sink Current: Conversely, sink current is the current that an I/O pin can draw from an external circuit when the pin is in a low state (outputting a logic low). The microcontroller's pin sinks current from the load it's connected to. Similar to source current, there's a maximum sink current limit, and exceeding it can lead to overheating and damage.
  2. Injected Current (I_INJ):

    • Positive vs. Negative Injection Currents: Injected current refers to the current that flows into or out of an I/O pin when a voltage is applied to it while it's configured as an input. There are two types of injected currents:
      • Positive Injection Current (I_INJ+): Occurs when the voltage at the pin is higher than V_DD (positive voltage relative to the MCU's supply voltage). This current flows into the pin.
      • Negative Injection Current (I_INJ−): Occurs when the voltage at the pin is below V_SS (negative voltage relative to the MCU's ground). This current flows out of the pin.
    • Managing injected current is important, especially for ADC pins or other sensitive inputs. Excessive injected current, either positive or negative, can affect the microcontroller's performance and accuracy. It can also lead to latch-up, a condition where a low-impedance path is created, leading to high current flows that can damage the device.

5. Logic Levels

The logic levels of MCU (Microcontroller Unit) I/O pins are determined by the underlying technology (like CMOS or TTL) and are crucial for ensuring compatibility between different devices. Let's delve into the details:

1. Technologies: CMOS and TTL

  • CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor):
    • Widely used in modern microcontrollers, including many STM32 models.
    • Operates at various voltage levels (commonly 3.3V or 5V).
    • Characterized by high input impedance, low power consumption, and relatively high noise immunity.
  • TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic):
    • An older standard, operating typically at 5V.
    • Lower input impedance compared to CMOS and generally faster at its standard voltage level.
    • Less power-efficient than CMOS.

2. Logic Levels

  • V_IL (Input Low Voltage) and V_IH (Input High Voltage):
    • These are the maximum and minimum voltages, respectively, that are recognized as logic low and high by an input pin.
    • For example, in a 5V CMOS system, V_IL might be any voltage below 2V (considered a logical '0'), and V_IH might be any voltage above 3V (considered a logical '1').
  • V_OL (Output Low Voltage) and V_OH (Output High Voltage):
    • These are the voltages that an output pin will provide when outputting a logical low and high, respectively.
    • In the same 5V CMOS system, V_OL might be close to 0V, and V_OH close to 5V.

3. Intermediate Region and Noise Margin

  • The voltage range between V_IL and V_IH is the intermediate region or undefined region, where the logic level is not guaranteed.
  • Noise Margin:
    • The difference between the actual input threshold voltages and the expected high/low output voltages.
    • It's a measure of the circuit's immunity to noise. A larger noise margin implies greater reliability.
    • For example, if V_IH is 3V, but the MCU outputs a high level at 5V, you have a noise margin of 2V.

4. V_HYS (Hysteresis)

  • Many MCUs incorporate hysteresis on their input pins (especially Schmitt triggers) to provide noise immunity.
  • Hysteresis means that the V_IH and V_IL for a transition from low to high is different from the transition from high to low, providing a buffer region that helps to eliminate noise.

5. Compatibility and Examples

  • When interfacing different logic families (like CMOS with TTL), ensure that the output voltage levels of one are compatible with the input thresholds of the other.
  • For instance, a 3.3V CMOS output might not be recognized as a high by a 5V TTL input, because the TTL V_IH could be higher than 3.3V.
  • Conversely, a 5V TTL output can damage a 3.3V CMOS input if the CMOS is not 5V tolerant.
  • When interfacing different logic families, use level shifters or logic level converters to ensure compatibility.

6. Considerations for Design

  • Always check the specific thresholds and output levels in the datasheet for the devices you are using.
  • Consider using level shifters or logic level converters when interfacing components with different voltage levels to prevent damage and ensure proper communication.
